Weight-Loss Diaries Vol 2

Welcome back to my weight loss diaries posts!

You can catch up with the previous post here! I’ve now been on my weight-loss tablets for nearly two months! I wasn’t planning to weigh in during this time before I saw my GP again, but at an appointment about my mental health medications I was weighed, and it was the exact same as before I started the tablets. Now normally for me that causes a downward spiral and binge eating, because ‘what’s the point?’.

Luckily this is not what happened. I am so determined this time to succeed on a weight loss journey that it spurred me on further. I won’t lie, I did have a McDonalds to feel a bit better, but I still took my medications which is the most important part! I also did not end up with an excessive amount of food, which was another small win for me.

So what have I changed since then? I’ve begun to up my fruit and veggie intake. I’m trying to ensure that each meal contains at least one portion of fruits or veggies, which isn’t something I’ve always done. I always aim for a wide variety of healthier foods in my kids’ diets, so now I’m aiming to do the same for myself.

I’m also trying to be more mindful of when I’m snacking and trying to cut that down. A good example of this is that I tend to eat as I’m typing or working. I always have so I’ve developed a habit of snacking while I’m working. Overcoming this has been hard, as I feel like I work best with food nearby (which isn’t true!) so I’m replacing those snacks with cereals or with water or juice.

Lastly, I’m trying to cut back down on energy drinks. I have at least one per day, but sometimes up to 4. I can recognise this is hindering my weight loss as not only are they empty calories, but they also can cause bloating. I am struggling a lot with this and will take any advice people can give me! I am mainly replacing them with sugar-free alternatives or with juice. Making sure I always have access to a drink also helps me reduce this as I’m less likely to reach for one of these if I have my big cup nearby. It’s a water bottle I got from TikTok that is designed to help you hit a 2-litre water goal daily.

My next update will be when I go to my doctor again and weigh in there. I have a feeling I won’t have hit the 10% goal that I needed, to stay on the medication. I’m already working on accepting this and figuring out my next steps. I’m thinking of trying to keep a food diary and calorie count, but I’ve struggled a lot with this in the past. So I’m open to recommendations from anyone who may have one!


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