Using Affirmations - My Self-Love Journey

I don’t know about you, but I love affirmations.

I’ve been using them since 2018, and notice an actual improvement in my moods and self-confidence when I practise them regularly. I’m not suggesting they can replace professional help, but they do help me alongside this. This was actually a discussion I had with my therapist about ways I could conquer the negative voice in my head. We went over different strengths I have and I turned them into affirmation cards for myself.

I find having daily affirmations helps me the most when it comes to using affirmations. I tend to use ones such as ‘I am happy’, ‘I am smart’ or ‘I am creative’. I usually repeat these to myself during either meditation or as I’m doing my daily self-care in the bathroom. I even used to repeat these in my car as I was driving as I had a decent commute to work and it made sense to use that time for affirmations. I still try to do that now, and on car journeys when I’m alone or just with the twins, I’ll say affirmations as I drive.

When using them within meditations, I’ll usually use a guided meditation on YouTube, like this one. If they have a space for affirmations I tend to use my own, or on days when I need the extra boost, I’ll use the ones they give, as it can be like someone else is saying it with me, which is so helpful.

For me, affirmations are the best way to help improve your self-confidence and on good days they help keep me aligned with a more positive mindset, which is always needed. I’m not saying I’m always a positive person, I really am not, but by continuing my work with affirmations, therapy and working on a more positive mindset, I know I’m working towards less negativity. On bad days, I still try to do my more basic affirmations, like I am loved or I am worthy. These help remind me that even on a bad day I have worth and I can be happy.

If you think affirmation cards may help you, check out my free set on my store! You can find them here!


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