Weight Loss Diaries Vol 1

As I mentioned in my Self Love post, I’ve always been a plus sized person. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that, but I myself would like to be smaller.

I actually went to my GP regarding loosing weight due to where my weight was when I broke my ankle. While the option I wanted to explore was not available (cheers to NI’s lack of government for that) we have placed me on weight-loss tablets, so I thought I would document it all here! This should also keep me more on track as I’ll have to come back onto here to explain how each week is going.

I’ve just finished my first week on the medication, and so far it isnt all that bad! I’m on orlistat, which in the simplest terms binds fat from foods to prevent it entering your body. It then removes the fat through you using the toilet. And yes it is the way you think. Some people find it works super fast and this means if they eat the wrong foods, they will need a bathroom quickly. Luckily I haven’t had that experience yet myself.

I have changed how I eat slightly, in that I’m snacking a lot less and I am being more mindful of when my body feels full or what I am actually in the mood to eat. This just means I’m not eating just because someone else is. This is something I’ve always done as I felt awkward not eating if others are. Also by listening to my body about when I feel full and need to stop eating, I’ve managed to cut down my portion sizes, which is another bonus!

As well as watching what I’m eating, I’m trying to be more active as well. I have two toddlers so this is made easy by bringing them out to different groups and events. We live pretty close to the centre of our town so walking everywhere is helping a lot as well! I used to always get snacks when we went out before but now I'm trying to always bring something with me, or only heading into a shop if there is something we really need.

So here are my starting stats!

Weight 137 KG | Height 5 ft 2 inch | Measurements 47, 52, 60

My goal is to just be happier in my own body. I’d also love to be able to shop in the town centre without having to look for a plus sized section. It’s small goals like that, that I’m focusing on instead of having a number to reach or a really specific goal in mind. Other than that, I want to be able to run after my kids without feeling like it may kill me.

Are you on a weight-loss or fitness journey? Let me know in the comments!


Therapy - My Self Love Journey


My Self Love Journey