The Beginners Guide to Tarot - The Suit of Wands

Now for one of the final steps in learning about your tarot cards - learning about the first of the four suits!

As mentioned in my last post; The suit of Wands in tarot is a powerful and dynamic representation of creativity, passion, and inspiration. Symbolizing the element of fire, this suit ignites our inner flame and drives us to pursue our goals and dreams with enthusiasm. Wands are often associated with action, indicating that taking decisive steps towards our desires is essential. With their vibrant energy, the Wands encourage us to tap into our intuition, embrace our authentic selves, and embark on exciting adventures. Whether it be starting a new project, pursuing a creative endeavor, or embracing our spiritual path, the suit of Wands serves as a catalyst for growth and transformation, empowering us to manifest our desires and embrace our full potential.

The wands are actually also my favourite suit, with some beautiful artwork, and the energy of these cards is always what I want to find within a reading. So lets dive right in with what each cards main themes are.

Ace/1 - creativity, ideas, birth

2 - plans, vision, travel

3 - expansion, success, vision

4 - celebrations, party, homecoming

5 - opposition, competition, conflict

6 - success, victory, public acclaim

7 - obstacles, challenges, struggles

8 - swiftness, travel, speed

9 - defensiveness, distrust, protection

10 - oppression, burden, hard work

I hope you’ve learnt something new! The next post will continue on with learning the key meanings for the suit cards!


The Beginners Guide to Tarot - The Suit of Cups


The Beginners Guide to Tarot - The Court Cards