Pregnancy Update

When I went to type up this post, I realised I hadn’t done a single post on my current pregnancy!

I’m currently 33 weeks pregnant with a little girl. Was this a planned pregnancy? Not at all, but we move and we adjust to our circumstances. I’m offically due on the 9th of August, but on Tuesday I’ll ge the date for my c-section. I’m opting for this as honestly a section scares me a hell of a lot less than a natural birth. I have insane respect for women who have natural births, I just couldn’t.

So whats been happening in this pregnancy? In short, a lot has happened. This time it is just the one baby, which I am very glad of, as the idea of having twins again, on my own is frankly terrifying. I went for an early scan at 6 weeks for this very reason, I wanted to be as prepared as possible in case it was a set of twins again. I must write up a post about my experiance with both of the private scanning places I’ve been to in this pregnancy, as honestly I could not fault either one!

So for the first trimester and half of the second, everything seemed normal. Baby girl was growing well, and my morning sickness actually went away when it was meant to (around 14 weeks). But everything changed at 21 weeks.

I woke up feeling like I had wet myself and when I stood up I had a gush of what I assumed was my waters, but it was mainly blood. I rang my maternity assesment unit right away, and was obviously told to get up to their triage as quickly as possible. It was the scariest drive as I continued to feel more fluid leaking. When I got there I had over filled a pad (which at this point was on maybe an hour. After a scan and a test, it looked like my waters had gone. I know now that this test was incorrect, but it came back as positive due to the massive blood loss. I spent a total of 10 days in hospital, with the blood moving from being bright red to brown, and this continued for a further week after I was discharged. During that time I also had to speak with the neonatal team as we believed my waters had gone. When I say getting given the facts on preterm birth is scary, it is only made scarier when you’re only 21/22 weeks. Luckily after the 10 days the test was redone and my waters were intact, so I could go home. We still don’t know what caused this, but it has been labelled a prenatal haemorraghe. It is something I would never wish on anyone as it was the scariest thing I could have went through.

Things did calm down for a while after that. I followed the advice of monitoring for infection and taking it very easy. I still do mainly take it easy as I am very afraid it’ll happen again. Then I had my glucose tolerance test at 29 weeks. I actually went in for reduced movments after it as baby girl did not move one bit during it, and by the time I was leaving hospital, I had a phone call telling me I came back as having gestational diabetes.

So I’ve had this diagnosis for about a month now, and I’m currently on insulin three times a day, as my fasting levels are still too high. This just means I’m waking up with high blood sugar levels because my body is not producing enough insulin on its own. So I have to suppliment this with the daily injections. I honestly hate doing the injections as I have a very bad fear of needles, but it is getting slightly easier and hopefully I’ll be fully adjusted by the time I no longer have to do them. It does also mean I may be brought in earlier for my c-section as my sugars are so unstable at the moment.

Overall, this pregnancy has been much more difficult than my twin pregnancy and it has honestly put me off having any further kids without a lot of thought. Mainly because I would be scared of having another bleed or ending up with gestational diabetes again.

How were your pregnancies? Let me know in the comments below!


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