CMPA Journey Update

It’s been a while since I did an update on my daughter’s CMPA journey. We’re on the milk ladder currently and I find sharing our journey can help other parents who may need extra advice on their allergy journey.

You can find the previous CMPA post here.

We are now officially on step 7 of the 12-step milk ladder. This means she now tolerates up to pizza on the ladder. This has been a huge achievement for us as it means we now can have things with milk in their ingredients as long as it’s been cooked (e.g. sausage rolls, pastries).

However there has been a catch, she can tolerate all of this as a one-off, but cannot tolerate it over a couple of days, or a build-up of milk products. So for example she wont react if she has a pancake. However, she will react if she has a pancake, pizza and a malted milk biscuit all within the same day.

To be completely honest we aren’t completely sure why she is tolerating one-offs better than repeated exposure. I personally believe it is an issue that she cannot deal with larger quantities of milk. I know for the next step we move onto “raw” milk and I feel like we’ll likely see a reaction still with these. We also are still awaiting our review appointment with the dieticians, which I know would help us understand the reasons for her still having these reactions.

We have however enjoyed the milk ladder overall. Freyja is getting to try so many new foods and we learned she greatly enjoys lasagne! She loves getting to try new foods and even enjoyed getting to try a shepherd’s pie. She’d had vegan versions beforehand but I think she really enjoyed getting to try something with actual butter in it! Plus she is a huge fan of mashed potatoes, so it went down a right treat!

Once we get her reactions under control again, I am honestly looking forward to introducing her to chocolate! She already loves her vegan one and I just know she will adore dairy milk buttons!

If you’ve had a child on the milk ladder then please let me know how you got around them reacting to the inclusion of milk in their diets!


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Our CMPA Journey