The Beginners Guide to Tarot - The Major Arcana Part 2

Welcome back to the beginners guide to tarot! In the last post we covered the first 12 court cards, now we’ll be looking at the final 12.

In the world of Tarot, these cards give us the most insight into ourselves and those we are doing a reading for. From cards that can tell of success and travel to ones which can warn of loneliness and death. Each of these cards has insight that we as readers need to give the most in-depth reading possible.

12 - The Hanged Man

Main Themes - suspension, surrender, sacrifice, letting go, having faith.

The Hanged Man tarot card represents a period of suspension and surrender, urging seekers to let go, gain new perspectives, and trust in the process of transformation.

13 - Death

main themes - rebirth, moving forward, change, endings

The Death tarot card signifies transformation and the end of a major life chapter, symbolizing the inevitable changes and rebirths that we all must go through on our spiritual journey. It can also be taken literally, in some cases.

14 - Temperance

Main Themes - harmony, balance, healing, moderation, blending

The Temperance tarot card represents balance, harmony, and moderation, reminding us to find a middle ground in our pursuits, even in the face of challenges and extremes.

15 - The Devil

Main Themes - bondage, restriction, addiction

The Devil tarot card symbolizes self-imposed limitations, indulgence, and the forces that bind us, reminding us to confront our shadows and break free from the chains of our own making.

16 - The Tower

Main Themes - unexpected change, upheaval, disruption, realisation, enlightenment

The Tower tarot card signifies sudden and dramatic change, where outdated structures crumble to make way for new beginnings and spiritual transformation.

17 - The Star

Main Themes - hope, faith, optimism, peace, guardian angel, healing

The Star tarot card represents hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance, encouraging us to trust in the universe and believe in our own inner light.

18 - The Moon

Main Themes - intuition, confusion, illusion, dreams, lunacy

The Moon tarot card represents deep intuition, hidden emotions, and the power of the subconscious mind.

19 - The Sun

Main Themes - success, joy, happiness, birth, optimism

The Sun Tarot card represents joy, vitality, and enlightenment, symbolizing a period of abundance and positivity in one's life.

20 - Judgement

Main themes - reflection, transformation, rebirth, calling, passage

The Judgement tarot card represents a powerful awakening, as it signifies a moment of reflection, redemption, and personal transformation.

21 - The World

Main Themes - success, the universe, travel, completion

The World Tarot card represents completion, harmony, and fulfillment, signifying the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new chapter filled with infinite possibilities.

As we end this enlightening journey through the realm of the Major Arcana, we cannot help but feel a deep sense of awe and wonder. The tarot, with its intricate symbolism and hidden messages, has allowed us to explore the depths of our souls and connect with the cosmic energies that surround us. I hope you’ve learnt something new, and I cannot wait to begin going through the four suits within the deck and their meanings!


The Beginners Guide to Tarot - The Court Cards


Beginners Guide to Tarot - The Major Arcana Part 1