Spirituality and Children

A question I get asked a lot is how I balance my spirituality and raising my children.

For me, I tend to combine them. I’m raising my children also to have spiritual beliefs, the same way a mother with a strong belief in Christianity would raise her child.

I’m not saying I involve them in rituals, but we do have little practises we do together that help them feel involved. As well as books on Goddesses, and a couple of witchy children’s books.

I have chatted with them very briefly about different Gods and Goddesses (mainly as they are only 2) in the same way someone may discuss their faith with their children. Personally, I love that we have books on the topics of Goddesses, like our current favourite being on Irish Goddesses. However the main reason it is a favourite of mine is because it features Bronagh, who just happens to share the same name as myself.

We also have more “witchy” children’s books. Nothing extreme, just the likes of ‘C Is For Coven’ and ‘Kittens First Full Moon’. Just little books that help normalise mummy being a witch and being into more spiritual things.

The twins also have crystals in their room. These are kept in their wardrobe at present (again because they are only 2, and smaller crystals would pose a choking hazard) but they are ones that bring prosperity, clarity and luck. They just help keep the vibe in their room better and the clarity crystal can help a little with sleep, which every toddler mum is hoping for! I’m not saying that is why my two sleep so well, but it is a little bit of a belief that I hold.

The other main way I incorporate my beliefs in raising my children is through celebrating Sabbats with them. Now this I have been lacking in recently, and I need to remake my wheel of the year to help me remember when each Sabbat is. For those that do not know, Sabbats are different holidays celebrated by Pagans, these can vary slightly in name depending on which “branch” of paganism someone follows. We did celebrate Yule last year, and this year I plan to make a Yule Log cake to help us celebrate it, alongside the more obvious tradition of presents and tree decorating. I’m hoping this year the tree doesn’t get destroyed, but that may just be the joys of toddlers! We also focused more on having decorations that featured nature or were red and green. We do also have Disney decorations that go up, but those hold a special place in my heart from my childhood. I also want to make a wreath for our door this year and that is another activity the kids can be actively involved in.

What ways do you incorporate your beliefs in raising your children? Let me know in the comments!


Sabbats - Lughnasadh


Gift Guide - Spiritual and Witchy